French II
High School
World Languages
Course Description:
Through thematic units, students will expand skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing and cultural awareness. They will develop a functional command of words and phrases dealing with immediate needs and common everyday situations of simple questions and statements about family, residence, self, weather, time and interests. They will be able to recognize and properly use past/present tense grammar structures. The content expansion includes the use of familiar words and phrases applicable with normal commands, frequent instructions, and courtesy interchanges.
Semester 1
La maison
Topic 1: Home (La maison)
La vie quotidienne
Topic 1: Daily Routines
Topic 2: Health and Fitness
Semester 2
Note: if the following section is blank the course is 1 semester long
Mon enfance
Topic 1: Childhood and Traditions
Le shopping
Topic 1: Clothing
Topic 2: Around Town
Les medias
Topic 1: TV and Film